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March 14, 2006

Burn The Churches But Spare The Mosques

"Fight and slay the Unbelievers wherever ye find them. Seize them,beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war." Qur'an, Sura 9:5

Muslims burn others� mosques in sectarian wars all the time, and recently, when the Golden Mosque in Samarra was bombed, there was nothing less than wall to wall coverage by the media.

Yet, Muslims also burn Christian churches, and do so with virtually no media attention, as the leveling of Christian sanctuaries continues throughout the world. After all, it�s just a "Christian story."

Not one political leader has spoken in defense of the Christians. Not one has castigated the Allah-crazed Islamics. Not one has accepted responsibility for this Muslim murdering madness.

Mosques, in the meantime, are being constructed to right and left. Allah be praised. The Koran be honored. Mohammed be crowned. It is a macabre message straight from The Pit.

And there's more...

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at March 14, 2006 5:54 PM

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