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March 14, 2006

Terrorist's funding, jihad preaching and women's rights

Perhaps one of the most accurate ways to stop the terrorist activities is stopping the terrorists from obtaininig their fundings. George Bush Administration is specially worried about the region named Triple Frontier between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay:
A report published by the Wall Street Journal points out that the drug lords, smugglers and forgers based in the region, systematically recur to foreing commercial operations to wash illegal money that is used afterwards by the terrorists organizations that act globally, such as Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda.
My last post here was about the jihad in Spain. In it, I mentioned the figure of the "recruiter", who "enters mosques to watch out who is the one who prays with more faith, the most enthusiastic of all. But not only they act in the mosques. During recent times, their activities have been observed also in prisons of Great Britain and USA. The last case of the relation between prisons and JIhad has been the US imam Mr. Abdul-Jalil, head imam of the city's jail system, who declared in a speech that "the White House is run by terrorists and that Muslims were tortured in Manhattan prisons after the World Trade Center attacks". Now, Michael Bloomberg, Major of New York, has suspended him.

Also we have mentioned in the past Spanish Foreign Minister Moratinos. Today, he has praised the Foreign Minister of Qatar -a wahabbist country where the Shari'a is compulsory- for the work of the Absolut Monarchy in favour of women's rights.

Lastly, and precisely about women's rights, we have known that Chechenia has started to demand that female state workers wear headscarves. Although the spokesman of the Government has denied they were compulsory, all the women took the suggestion as law. Kadyrov, the Muslim-Islamist and pro-Russian President, has said "We want to return to the culture and beautiful traditions of the Chechen people. The headscarf is a part of this".

Posted by at March 14, 2006 7:04 PM

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