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May 18, 2006
Dutch Government Reconsiders Expelling Hirsi Ali
Chalk this up as a win for common sense and anti-dhimmitude even if Hirsi Ali does decide to leave Holland for the U.S. !
Jefferson Morley's World Opinion Roundup at the WaPo provides an excellent summary of the still continuing saga of Hirsi Ali and the the attempt by the Dutch government to strip Ali of her citizenship. Apparently, the Somali-born woman who has made waves in Europe for her sharp criticism of Islam, may not have to leave the Netherlands after all. Amidst a barrage of negative press coverage, the Dutch parliament today forced the government to reconsider its decision to strip Ali of her citizenship.she may not have to leave the Netherlands after all.
Readers will recall that Ayaan Hirsi Al is an outspoken critic of Islam, who said earlier this week she was resigning and leaving the Netherlands after Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk, a member of her own VVD liberal party, told her she might lose her Dutch passport. Ali has drawn death threats for her fight for the rights of Muslim women and went into hiding in 2004 when an Islamic militant killed Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh after he directed the film "Submission" written by Hirsi Ali accusing Islam of suppressing women.
Synopsis of the film "Submission":
On November 2nd 2004, Theo Van Gogh was brutally murdered on the street in reaction to his film, "Submission," which criticizes the treatment of women under Islam. The slain filmmaker, a descendent of Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, was a provocative media trickster courting controversy during his entire career. Some called him a champion of free speech. Others, referencing inflammatory terms such as "goat-fuckers", (his preferred moniker for Muslim immigrants) found his irreverence for all things religious to be utterly repellent.
Van Gogh's killer was in that camp. Islamic Extremist Mohamed Bouyeri, 26, a Dutch National of Moroccan descent shot and stabbed van Gogh repeatedly, even as van Gogh pleaded for mercy. He pinned a note to his body addressed to writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali. It said that she would be destroyed, along with Holland and the United States.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born member of the Dutch parliament, is a self-proclaimed ex-Muslim, and claims to have escaped to the Netherlands in 1992 to avoid an arranged marriage. At age five she had undergone the ordeal of female genital mutilation, a custom still practiced in many Muslim communities. This and other grievances with Islamic practice lead her to reject her faith and seek to aid other women oppressed by outmoded tradition. Despite the threat to her own life, Ms. Hirsi Ali refuses to back down on what she calls her Islam Reform Project (IRP) "I am on a mission. And it has only just begun."
You can view a short of the film here.
Posted by Richard at May 18, 2006 2:28 PM