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July 27, 2006

Kofi - The Anti-Semetic Putz

kofi_face.jpgDid you happen to notice that when Kofi Annan was advised of the deaths of four UNIFIL soldiers in Lebanon as the result of Israeli fire, Annan immediately - immediately - without a moment's hesitation, announced that Israel had killed them deliberately? I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing, it was almost like he was reacting from an agenda. Donald Sensing at One Hand Clapping certainly noticed, as did others. Take a look at a couple of excerpts from his piece, using a parody of Dr. Seuss - Kofi, please go now:

Annan seems more exercised by this accident than the truly deliberate kidnapping and killing of Israeli soldiers and the indiscriminate mass rocket attacks Israel is being forced to endure because the UN was pusillanimous in refusing to enforce its resolutions regarding terror forces in Southern Lebanon.

Annan, as the world's chief diplomat, is charged with the responsibility of good judgment and temperate, well-considered remarks. He seems to have a penchant for violating this obligation when it comes to issues involving Israel.

This is a man so bereft of a moral compass that he fails to see that Iran is the heart of the problem and the chief instigator of the violence. Can you imagine what a disaster it would be to give Iran the slightest voice in any "solution" to the Israel-Hezbollah war? Suppose Iran, legitimated by the UNSG as a solution maker, volunteers to send troops to form a new international force in Lebanon under UN mandate? On what possible basis could they be refused once Annan gives Iran a seat at the table?

Now go read the rest ...

Is Kofi anti-American? He says he's not, but it's certainly hard to believe from his comments and actions over the years. At the very least, he's inept as a diplomat and an anti-semetic putz (note the date and mention of Lebanon in this post).

Posted by Abdul at July 27, 2006 10:53 AM

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