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July 26, 2006

What About That 1953 CIA Iranian Coup?

In a comment on one of my blogs, Mahathir Fan says:

I stated that the last time the United States government overthrew an Iranian government, back in 1953, it destroyed a democracy and instituted a dictatorship. Instead of removing the chains of tyranny from the Iranian people, it helped to put them on, and helped keep them on for the 26 years that the Shah remained in power. Therefore, it would be impossible for the Iranian people to believe that any American intervention could lead to their freedom.

There is no doubt that in 1953 the CIA engineered a coup against Premier Mohammad Mossadeq of Iran that ended up empowering Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. This has been number one on the list of stated reasons for hatred of America by the Iranian Ayatollahs and their revolutionary followers. And it is among the many "evils" of American foreign policy that the left invariably mentions. But the historical context should not be ignored if one is to understand and, indeed, excuse the U.S. decision to engineer the coup.

(Continued here)

Posted by Rudy at July 26, 2006 10:05 PM

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