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September 23, 2006

Iranian Woman Sentenced to be Stoned to Death for Adultery: More Islamic "Peace" and "Brotherly Love"!

Michelle Malkin posts that on June 28th, 2006, a court in the Iranian city of Urmia, sentenced an Iranian woman, Malak Ghorbany, to be "Stoned to Death" for committing "adultery"!

She goes on to remind us, that under the Islamist Iranian Penal Code, the term "adultery" is used to describe "any intimate or sexual act between a man and a girl/woman who are not married" and that it also covers any "acts incompatible with chastity," which even includes instances of rape!!!

Michelle was made aware of the plight of this Iranian woman, by an e-mail she received from a lady by the name of Agnes, in Germany, who ended her missive with the plea: "Help us spread the news about Malak Ghorbany! Tell your family, friends and others who might be interested. Direct them to this web page and ask them to take the actions listed there." You can read more about it at Michelle's site.

Such atrocious barbarities by the Islamistss are commonplace, but what I cannot fathom for the life of me is where are Gloria Steinem and all the "rabid feminists," and why aren't they protesting in our streets on behalf of this woman, with the same passion and vehemence with which they rally on the streets of Washington, marching in favor of "Partial Birth Abortion" - the killing of a fetus at a stage where it is possible for it to survive outside the womb?!?! Don't they sympathize with this repressed woman, who can't even be seen in public without her "Burqa," while Steinem and her saggy titted "Libbers" "burn their bras" to prove to the world their "independence" as well as how well a sagging bustline sweeps the floor?!?!

Or where are the outcries from the representatives of the countless thousands of Women's Advocacy Groups and Organizations, from such as the "National Coalition of Women Against Domestic Violence," to "Mothers Against Drunk Drivers"- whose lobbying has in many States brought about such draconian obsession with DUIs and police crackdowns, as has ruined the lives and careers of a multitude of people who had one drink too many at the restaurant, in the same breadth with which it has prevented fatalities?!?! Isn't there a "National Coalition Against Islamist Violence" or "Mothers Against Deranged Islamists"?!?!

C'mon! You would think some Women's Organization would raise its voice in support of this Iranian woman about to be stoned to death for "adultery" !!! After all, wouldn't they be concerned that if American women were to be judged in the same harsh manner, that 98% of them would have to be "stoned to death"...along with "Girls Gone Wild" and the whole cast of "Desperate Housewives"?!?!

And why isn't "Human Rights Watch" watching for the "Human Rights" of this poor Iranian woman, when it has been so extraordinarily diligent in protecting that of Radical Islamist terrorists from coerced interrogation, even going as far as saying that "if not using coercive interrogation on the detainees, means that as a result we will fail to thwart a plot which will then result in the death of thousands of innocent Americans, so be it!" As the group's Assistant Director obstinately insisted the other day on the "O'Reilly Factor"?!?!

Or why isn't "meddling" Senator McCain, and his gang of three "bleeding heart" turn-coat Republican Senators, who have been wringing their hands so much, so concerned that the Geneva Convention's wildly vague "Outrages Against Personal Dignity" clause be extended to all murderous Jihadist captives being interrogated, not been equally concerned about the "Outrages Against the Personal Dignity" of this Muslim woman about to be brutally stoned to death... for, who knows, maybe having flirted with a man, which in the eyes of these Islamist savages is just as bad as if she'd been the village slut?!?! Why aren't Senators McCain and his sidekicks not wringing their hands with similar "concern" about her?!?!

Where are those concerned about the suffering of convicted mass murderers, who claim that a "Lethal Injection" is a form of "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" and hold "Vigils" at the entrance of prisons?!?! Isn't the horrible, excruciating death by "Stoning," also "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" ?!?! And why aren't they holding "Vigils" with "Lighted Candles" for this Iranian Woman, in protest, in front of every Mosque in America?!?!

And where is the full page denunciation of this barbarity on CNN or the New York Times?!?!

Or the outcry from Hollywood, George Clooney, Sean Penn, and Alec Baldwin?!?! God only knows they have been plenty "vocal" about the war in Iraq and how we should cut-and-run there!!! Wouldn't they be putting together a "telethon" with the help of their fellow celebrities, to bring to the attention of the world the plight of this woman, in the same way that they have for the victims of the AIDS pandemic unleashed upon humanity by a bunch of promiscuous homosexuals, and as well as they have with so many other liberal, "pet," "Causes Célèbres" ?!?!

Where is the outcry and the indignation of all the above, and the rest of their liberal friends, which so often portray themselves the "Champions of Feminism," "Women's Issues," and "Human Rights," the "Guardians of Human Dignity," the "Voice and Conscience of the Nation," and "Role Models of Our Pop Culture"?!?!

Why aren't they raising their voices in unison to bring to the world's attention this abhorrent act of Islamist inhumanity, the aberration of such a needless execution, and to try and save this woman from suffering such a barbaric, prolonged, and agonizing death?!?!

The answer may not be pleasant to many, but simply put: Because they are all nothing but a bunch of self-serving, hedonistic, hypocrites, and the plight of this woman doesn't advance their "multicultural," "secular," "liberal" agendas in one bit, aside from the fact that they do not wish to cause "offense" to the "Peace Loving," "Brotherly," Muslims, carrying out this "enlightened" sentence, with whom they all so much "sympathize" - they remind us that we have to respect the Muslim's "Cultural Traditions"....lest they find themselves blown to smithereens one day by some poor, "misunderstood" Radical Islamist suicide bomber, while sipping on their $6.00 "Lattes" at Starbucks, for having denounced their barbarity! That is why!!!

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Althor at September 23, 2006 9:44 AM

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