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September 23, 2006

On Sentencing Suicide Bombers To Death..

These will help you recall the bombing, the after effects of which were shown on TV screens all over the world:

AMMAN, Jordan - A court sentenced an Iraqi woman to death Thursday for her role in an al-Qaida-led triple hotel bombing that killed 60 people in Jordan's worst terror attack ever.

Sajida al-Rishawi, 35, was intended to be one of the suicide bombers in the Nov. 9 attack. She entered a hotel ballroom with her husband, both strapped with explosives belts. Her husband set off his own belt, ripping through a wedding party in the room.

Initially, al-Rishawi said in a televised confession that her own belt failed to detonate and she fled. But she later told her trial that she was an unwilling participant in the attacks and never tried to set off the suicide bomb.

So what should be done to her, is execution the best punishment for her? She actually showed her homicide bombing outfit on video:


Saying that she was an unwilling participant in the attacks and never tried to set off the suicide bomb doesn't cut her any slack - she was wearing the damned bomb outfit and was there with her husband. The rest is history. But is execution the best thing for suicide bombers and intended suicide bombers in mass killings involving other suicide bombers in which a participant survives? For our purposes here we are not addressing ethical issues, we're talking only about punishment.

Regarding such punishment, Egyptian Sandmonkey has some suggestions (I wouldn't have known the best punishments - Sandmonkey does however):

Sentencing suicide bombers to death
.. is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life. While I am all for the capital punishment, I have a feeling that in this specifc case it is found lacking. You gonna kill her for trying to kill herself? She wants to die, morons. Where is the punishment there?

I would sentence failed suicdebombers to live, but to lead very very shitty islamic lives. Like Feed her pork and wine everday and force her to watch gay porn 8 houres a day. Or something like that. Any auggestions? I will take whichever you have to offer!
Quite creative, and Sandmonkey does have a point. Dying was what she intended to do in the first place. And in the unlikely event that she ever felt true remorse for her crime, being executed at that point might even provide her with a sense of relief. So making her live might be the best punishment of all. As to the best way to give her the miserable life she so deserves, I'd suggest a very tiny cell with wide screen TV showing alternatively - video of the death and mayhem from the deaths of suicide bombers, then video of families living and playing together, people getting married and starting their lives together in piece and harmony, having children, and growing old together. Of course, all her meals would include pork, served on plates shaped like the Star of David. I'd skip the porn - she'd likely enjoy it.

What would you suggest?

Posted by Richard at September 23, 2006 9:06 AM

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