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September 17, 2006
Muslim Clerics Issue Fatwas For ........ Payments?
A TV channel in India aired purported footage on Sunday of Muslim clerics in the national capital and Uttar Pradesh issuing fatwas for payments of money, triggering condemnation of them by community leaders and protests in Meerut.
The clerics allegedly issued fatwas on a variety of subjects, including the use of credit cards and camera phones by Muslims, acting in films, and watching television, said the report on Star News that carried out a sting operation along with Cobrapost in Delhi and Meerut.Muslim leaders convened a meeting of clerics to decide what action should be taken against those named in the sting operation. I wonder how much they get for a fatwah against someone's life?
Hat tip - Freedom's Zone commenter
Posted by Richard at September 17, 2006 8:18 PM