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September 25, 2006

Muslim Extremists Aren't Asking For Dialogue - They Are Saying Infidels Must 'Submit Or Die'

While most of the world's Muslims are neither rioting nor calling for the death of the pontiff, more than a few may reason that if Christians and Jews haven't the confidence to reject dhimmitude and defend freedom, why should they be "foolish and stick their necks out." After all, "a Muslim who challenges the Islamist Fascists brands himself as an apostate - as deserving of death as any uppity pope" or an infidel.

And therein lies half the problem, the other half is the media and their dhimmitude and inability to understand the real point of what the Muslims are asking for. As Clifford May reminds us at NRO, the media fails to understand or recognize that much of the "Muslim world" is not asking for mutual respect and equality - they are saying that infidels must respect Islam, they aren't saying that its wrong to speak ill of a religion - they are saying that it's wrong to speak ill of their religion, and they are not standing up for a principle - they are laying down the law, their's, and they are making it as clear as they can that they will not tolerate "infidels" criticizing Muslims. They also are making it clear that infidels should expect criticism, and much worse from Muslims - they must submit to Islam or die:

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at September 25, 2006 1:01 PM

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