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June 25, 2007

New Rasmussen Poll: Only 22% Favor Stalled Immigration Bill

If it meets all expectations, the current Amnesty bill will reduce illegal immigration by only 13%, provide legal status for south of the border gang members and terrorists, still create a permanent illegal underclass and still force US citizens to pay for the illegals'-to-be-made-legal medical care and schooling. In other words, we-the-people continue to receive only the shaft. - Sher Zieve
And 22% is down a point from 23% a couple of weeks ago and down from 26% when the debate in the Senate began, despite a massive effort by the White House and the likes of Trent Lott, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain to ram the bill through against the wishes of the American people. Washington just isn't getting it - reducing illegal immigration is the first priority for voters:
Among the public, there is a bi-partisan lack of enthusiasm for the Senate bill. It is supported by 22% of Republicans, 23% of Democrats, and 22% of those not affiliated with either major party. It is opposed by 52% of Republicans, 50% of Democrats, and 48% of unaffiliateds.

From an ideological perspective, the bill is opposed by 59% of conservatives, 54% of liberals, and 45% of political moderates. Among those for whom none of the traditional ideological labels apply, just 20% are opposed.

Support is found from 20% of conservatives, 32% of liberals, and 18% of moderates.

Just 32% believe it would be better to pass the current bill instead of doing nothing. Forty-five percent (45%) believe it would be better to pass nothing at all.

If the current bill passed, 71% of American voters believe that another bill would be required to focus on securing the border and reducing illegal immigration. That's up from 65% in our previous survey.

... reducing illegal immigration is the first priority for voters but only 16% believe the Senate bill would reduce illegal immigration. In fact, 41% believe the Senate bill would make things worse and lead to even more illegal immigration.

And the failure of the bill to reduce illegal immigration is but the tip of the iceberg. The real problems go much deeper than what appears on the surface.

As Sher Zieve describes the situation, not in recent history ihas it been so patently and painfully obvious that the wants of our elected officials supersede those of the US electorate:

The problem for the American people is that If it meets all expectations, the current Amnesty bill will reduce illegal immigration by only 13%, provide legal status for south of the border gang members and terrorists, still create a permanent illegal underclass and still force US citizens to pay for the illegals'-to-be-made-legal medical care and schooling.

In other words, we-the-people continue to receive only the shaft. The bill also provides permanent legal status for current illegals, by providing them with a renewable and open-ended green card. The bill includes the continuation of Chain Migration (allowing families, relatives and friends of illegals-now-legal to enter the US also) until 2016. As the North American Union (NAU) is already planned to be in full force by 2010--well before the 2016 date--along with the end of US sovereignty as a distinct nation, any actual enforcement of this Amnesty/Open Borders bill will have been rendered moot. Unfortunately, this appears to be part of the New World Order--one that was talked about under Bush I and is now being implemented by Bush II. And what began as the highly-touted NAFTA has now, via the US government's passing regulations largely unfamiliar to the US citizenry, become the means to the end of the United States of America.

... If you think I'm exaggerating, unfortunately you're wrong. Take a look at the references I've provided, as well as looking up North American Union and SPP for yourselves. I suggest that you will be shocked and will notice that I have actually been quite conservative in my assessments.

... Never in the history of our country have we more fiercely required a real leader who will actually fight for it. This time, due to our recent several decades of past "leadership", it is the fight for the very existence of the United States of America. Without an elected president who still believes in the sovereignty of our country, it and the American people are already finished. And the bogus Immigration Reform and Border Security Bill will help to herald our demise.

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Abdul at June 25, 2007 12:46 PM

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