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February 2009

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February 16, 2009

Gordon Brown wants UK to be the international financial center for Sharia products

After Dutch MP, Geert Wilders was declared "persona non grata" and deported from UK because his presence was threatening community harmony, I found that Times On Line had published back in March 2006, an article in which it was reported that British PM, Gordon Brown had:given Muslim leaders private assurances that he wants to create a "level playing field" in the economy, so that more and more "sharia compliant" financial products can be offered to British Muslims.so as to:help make London the natural home for Islamic funds from around the world, and increase the inflow of investment from oil-rich Middle... ... more

Posted at 7:43 AM | Comments (0)

February 13, 2009

Spain: alleged Al-Qaeda financier belongs to Socialist Party's Executive Board

In the last Garzon's judicial operation (jan 20th) against alleged Al-Qaeda collaborators, a Pakistani named Abdul Razzaq Sadiq was detained. It has been discovered he is Executive Secretary's of the Catalan Socialist Party (the branch of Zapatero's party in Catalonia) in the Catalonian city Ciutat Vella. Interior Ministry's press release published his surnames changed, so no one could guess who he really was. In all police's documents, his surnames were in right order, so the change was made only afterwards in the Interior Ministry's press release. Three days after, they were freed by a Garz's resolution, which said that he... ... more

Posted at 5:25 AM | Comments (0)

February 10, 2009

"Islam is the final religion"

This is what Zaid Al-Hussein, vice president of the state-affiliated Saudi Human Rights Commission, said some days ago when answering to Western countries diplomats who wanted Saudi Arabia to stop executions, amputations or floggings in the kingdom. He said that "though some things could be improved, it would be difficult for non-Muslims to have houses of worship here as Islam is the final religion. So as Islam is the final religion, some days ago, Saudi blogger Hamoud Bin Saleh was arrested because he announced his conversion to Christianity in his blog Saudi Christian, which was also blocked: Based on information obtained... ... more

Posted at 10:37 AM | Comments (0)

February 9, 2009

Ali Larijani visits Spain

Ali Larijani, President of the Iranian Parliament, is visiting Spain. The visit has been silenced by the media, till such a point that I have known about it because I read, in an Argentinian blog, the official statement issued by the Israeli embassy in Spain pointing their objections to the visit. The official statement is translated in its entirety in the link provided. But one of them instantly called my attention: the Israeli Embassy pointed out that "according to the last statistics published by Spanish Foreign Business Office, the volumen of weapons, sales and double use equipments from Spain to... ... more

Posted at 10:37 AM | Comments (0)

February 8, 2009

Spain: No.1 in the ranking of recruitement places for Al-Qaeda in Europe

Five years after March 11th, which made Spain a target of the Islamist terror, Interior Minister has stated that Spain is now a source of Human Resources for future terrorists"..."situated in the 1st place in the ranking of their preferred recruitement's places for Al-Qaeda's recruitment in Europe, and, at the same time, it continues to be a target of international terrorism. Since March 11th, State Security Forces have detained 384 alleged Islamist terrorists. Some of the them had the objective of recruiting, teaching, training and sending mujahidins to Irak. Others only did apology of terrorism or defense and proud display... ... more

Posted at 7:39 AM | Comments (0)

February 3, 2009

Iranian Bloggers

Freedom finds a way: Millions of young bloggers are challenging the conservative government of Iran, at great personal risk.... ... more

Posted at 10:05 PM | Comments (0)

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