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February 10, 2009

"Islam is the final religion"

This is what Zaid Al-Hussein, vice president of the state-affiliated Saudi Human Rights Commission, said some days ago when answering to Western countries diplomats who wanted Saudi Arabia to stop executions, amputations or floggings in the kingdom. He said that "though some things could be improved, it would be difficult for non-Muslims to have houses of worship here as Islam is the final religion. So as Islam is the final religion, some days ago, Saudi blogger Hamoud Bin Saleh was arrested because he announced his conversion to Christianity in his blog Saudi Christian, which was also blocked:

Based on information obtained by ANHRI, the Saudi authorities jailed the young blogger at the infamous Eleisha political prison in Riyadh; a prison which in 2004 witnessed the arrest of the reformists Matrouk el Falih, Ali el Domini and Eissa al Hamed.
Hmm, are they really sure that only some things could be improved?

Posted by Eurabian at February 10, 2009 10:37 AM


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