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February 13, 2009

Spain: alleged Al-Qaeda financier belongs to Socialist Party's Executive Board

In the last Garzon's judicial operation (jan 20th) against alleged Al-Qaeda collaborators, a Pakistani named Abdul Razzaq Sadiq was detained. It has been discovered he is Executive Secretary's of the Catalan Socialist Party (the branch of Zapatero's party in Catalonia) in the Catalonian city Ciutat Vella. Interior Ministry's press release published his surnames changed, so no one could guess who he really was. In all police's documents, his surnames were in right order, so the change was made only afterwards in the Interior Ministry's press release.

Three days after, they were freed by a Garz's resolution, which said that he didn't have proofs which could link them with the terrorist group's financing scheme. But they had been accused of sending illegally money to Pakistan.

Posted by Eurabian at February 13, 2009 5:25 AM


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