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January 7, 2011

Sarkozy: Christians in Middle East are victims of 'religious cleansing'

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy didn't mince any words when discussing what is happening in the Middle East to Christians (which Barack Obama chooses to ignore), and warned in his annual address to religious leaders as Coptic Christians were due to celebrate Christmas yesterday ... that "ethnic cleansing" is being committed against Christians:


The Telegraph reports:

Mr Sarkozy made the statement while giving his annual address to religious leaders as Coptic Christians were due to celebrate Christmas yesterday, according to the eastern Orthodox church calendar.

"We cannot accept and thereby facilitate what looks more and more like a particularly perverse programme of cleansing in the Middle East, religious cleansing," said the French president.

An attack on a Coptic church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria on January 1 killed 21 people. While noon has claimed responsibility, it followed online threats against Copts from an al-Qaeda-linked group which had said it was behind an attack on a church in Baghdad in October.

Some 68 people died in the attack on a Syriac Catholic church, one of a number of strikes against Christians in Iraq.

Those who died in Alexandria and Bagdad were "collectively our martyrs", said Mr Sarkozy. "They are the martyrs of the freedom of conscience." "The rights that are guaranteed in our country to all religions must be reciprocally guaranteed in other countries," he said.

Former Lebanon president Amin Gemayel also referred to the attacks as genocidal ... saying that the attacks percolating in the Middle East is evidence of an effort underway by Muslim terrorists to commit genocide against Christians:
[...] "Massacres are taking place for no reason and without any justification against Christians. It is only because they are Christians," said Gemayel, who leads Lebanon's right-wing Christian Phalange party.

"What is happening to Christians is a genocide," ...

And British MP Professor Lord David Alton expressed concern about the worsening situation of the ancient churches of the Middle East, and as did Sarcozy and Gemayel, also described the religious violence as "genocide."

Meanwhile, President Barack Hussein Obama is stuck on moral equivalence (tilted toward the Islamists) and falsely claims Muslims were targeted in the attacks in Egypt ... while continuing his empowerment of Radical Islam.

Hat tip - Jennifer of Cubachi

Related reading: The Slow Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at January 7, 2011 10:51 AM


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