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September 27, 2006
Pakistani "immigrants" from Al-Qaeda coming to Spain
Spanish Union of Policemen (CEP) has informed that Senegalese police has detained last Thursday 49 Pakistani citizens in Tines, a city 70 kilometers away from Dakar. All of them are accused of belonging to Al-Qaeda terrorist network. They were arrested when they were preparing their trip to the Canary Islands, where they have decided to go, paying their place in one of the "cayucos" that made their way to the Islands.
But not only the disorder of Zapatero's administration has made it easy to enter into Spain all sort of criminals -drug dealers among others-, disguised as illegal immigrants -although the majority cannot be considered as such- but also has caused that the people who enter are not very aware of our institutions. For example, Mohammed, a Moroccan illegal immigrant in the Canary Islands says:
"Spain is a Monarchy as Morocco, where a Monarch administers as he wants the happiness and the sufferings of his subjects".
For more information, click here.
Posted by Eurabian at September 27, 2006 8:04 PM