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May 19, 2009

Obama's Jewish Problem (or is it his Muslim problem)

Jews have always been the canaries in the coal mines of civilization, serving as a warning of impending doom to those who believed, as Churchill said, that the crocodile - of tyranny - would eat them last.

As Joan Swirsky suggests at The New Media Journal, with the advent of the Obama administration, Israeli canaries are chirping loudly, warning the entire world, particularly America but also Europe, that if Israel is sacrificed to Obama's far-left anti-Israel and anti-American agenda, then freedom-loving, God-fearing countries around the world will be suffocated and sacrificed to a new American caliphate - to the harsh and inflexible rule of Islamic theology, philosophy and law. The question for all of us is are we willing to just lay back and let all of this happen by staying silent.

The signs are alarming.

From Joan Swirsky's Obama's Jewish Problem

[...]  To prepare for his meeting on May 18 with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Obama prepared a menu of poison pills - the kind given to people with the same Hobson's Choice that Mafia attorney Tom Hagen gave to the imprisoned and about-to-testify-before-Congress Frankie Pentangeli in "Godfather Two" - either commit suicide or we're going to kill you. Examples abound.

- Just the other day, Obama announced he will be addressing the Arab and Muslim world from a mosque in the city of Al-Azhar in Egypt - a location writer Ruth S. King has described as "the locus of Koranic-inspired Jihad." Indeed, this Sunni bastion supports suicide-bombings. And only last week, according to JihadWatch.org, Sheikh Ali Osman of the Egyptian government said "Pigs are Jews cursed by Allah, and thus can be lawfully slaughtered."

- This week, by Executive Order, Obama directed the expenditure of $20.3 million - of U.S. taxpayers' dollars - in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza, which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas and its Islamic Resistance Movement to resettle in the United States. Presidential Determination No. 2009-15 of January 27, 2009 was recorded in the Federal Register on February 4.

- Also this week, Obama submitted a budget to Congress that while increasing military aid to Israel for the Arrow 3, cut in half aid for the Arrow 2 and significantly reduced aid for short-range missile interceptors, just as Iran is strengthening its conventional ballistic missile force.

- This month, Obama refused to meet with Netanyahu for the P.M.'s planned visit to address the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Conference in D.C.

- At the same AIPAC meeting Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel reportedly told donors that America's ability to face Iran depended on Israel's ability to make progress with the Palestinians, once again echoing the tired Leftist canard that all conflicts in the Middle East are the result not of the jihadist mentality, but rather the failure of Israel to accept their virulently anti-Semitic propaganda (in the media and in schools), non-stop homicide bombings, and relentless rocket attacks..

- In numerous Obama-sanctioned public statements, his henchmen have, in the common vernacular, put the screws to Israel, among them Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who threatened: "For Israel to get the kind of strong support it's looking for vis-a-vis Iran, it can't stay on the sideline with respect to the Palestinians and the peace efforts ... they go hand in hand," and National Security Adviser Gen. James Jones who recently told a European foreign minister that the U.S. is planning to build an anti-Israel coalition with the Arabs and Europe to compel Israel to surrender Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem to the Palestinians.

- Obama let it be known that his plan for a "two-state solution" was perfectly in-sync with the wipe-Israel-off-the-map crowd, including terrorist-sponsoring Syria and Saudi Arabia, among others. And what sweet nothings do you suppose Obama whispered into the ears of Iran's Ahmadinejad that just prompted the sudden release from jail of the Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi?

- And let's not forget that Obama's first phone call to a head of state was to Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Fatah party in the Palestinian territory, and who also wrote his doctoral thesis denying the Holocaust. Did I mention Abbas' loyal second-in-command fealty to "the father of terrorism," Yasir Arafat?

- Or that Obama gave his first TV interview to Al Arabia television.

- Or that Obama summarily dismissed all charges against the Muslim murderers of 17 American sailors on the USS Cole in Yemen in 2001.

- Or that Obama, according to David Patten at Newsmax.com, "is preparing to reinstate a fraud-riddled immigration program that has brought over 36,000 Somalis into the United States under questionable circumstances."

- Or that Obama bowed so repugnantly on his recent European trip to the Saudi Arabian potentate.

This "genocidal hostility toward Israel," as writer Mona Charen describes it, is Obama & Co.'s way of insuring that they succeed where former administrations have failed in bringing about the ever-elusive "two-state" solution - a "solution" Leftists like Obama have cravenly tried to delude much of the world into believing will magically resolve the world's other conflicts.

Take the time to read the entire piece.

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Hyscience at May 19, 2009 12:35 PM


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